Content Creation for Niche Segments that Gets You Noticed

Marketing towards a niche audience or within a niche sector is uniquely challenging. Your audience is often smaller, giving your brand fewer opportunities to cater to their needs. 

So, how do you stay relevant, have your message heard and compete with your competitors who provide everyday solutions to similar problems? The simple answer? By creating a kick-ass content marketing strategy that will get you noticed.

As a Content Marketing agency that operates in a double niche, by focusing on content services for technology and FinTech brands, Copy House knows a thing or two about content creation in niche markets and the opportunities and challenges that come with this. So, we’ve asked Kathryn Strachan, their Managing Director to provide advice to other content marketers and businesses focusing on this area.

The key takeaways of this talk include:

  • How to define your target audience and understand what makes them stay awake at night
  • How to turn your niche into a strong message that positions your brand successfully against your competition 
  • How to create a content strategy that not only resonates with your audience but boosts your brand to the top search results on Google
  • How to create a content calendar that will keep your audience engaged long-term and the considerations you should make in terms of distribution channels
  • What metrics you should consider when analysing the success of your strategy